Our vision is that any survivor—anywhere in the nation—would have access to qualified, compassionate care.

This year was full of opportunities for the Institute for Survivor Care. Check out our Impact Dashboard to get the whole story.

National Shelter Landscape Map

Interact with map of residential shelters serving victims of exploitation across the United States.

Survivor Perspectives on Faith Practices

A National Study of Sex Trafficking Survivors’
Experiences in Faith-Based Shelters

Research Library
Explore research related to restorative care for victims of exploitation.

TCM Emergency-Stabilization

This training is designed to equip those who serve victims of domestic sex trafficking in the initial phase of care (first 30 – 90 days). Emphasis is on safety, stabilization, sobriety, and self-management strategies.  Scholarships are available.

Learn from Experts

Our webinar series, Business of Ministry, is designed to strengthen ministries by focusing on key topics that are vital for sustained growth and impact, such as: legal matters, development strategies, data and metrics, financial stewardship and human resources.


Your financial support of the Institute for Survivor Care will positively impact shelters nationwide and ultimately bless survivors with quality, compassionate care.

We invest in the people of God, to expand the Kingdom of God, for the Glory of God.

Institute for Shelter Care name change announcement, January 2025

Dr. Jeanne Allert explains the name change from the Institute for Shelter Care to the Institute for Survivor Care reflecting the organization’s keen focus on serving the survivor along the entire continuum of care.


There are very few organizations that provide the need that the Institute for Survivor Care provides. Their “model” of doing should be replicated 10,000 times over because the need is that great; & what they provide meets that need.

General Member of the Public


This team is the real deal. They approach their work with passion, excellence, and joy. The Institute for Survivor Care is providing critical support to anti-trafficking shelters that will ensure individuals healing from sex trafficking receive the best care possible!

Professional with expertise in this field


I have admired and prayed for this organization for more than a decade! They are real, smart, generous to their calling and selfless in their approach to trafficked women! They create hope and new beginnings! Can’t say enough about this amazing team of committed people!

Nancy Jeanne