Request an Interview

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The Samaritan Women is often asked to lend our expertise to support academic research, reports, or media segments. We cannot support all requests, but will do our best to accommodate requests that align with our Communications policy. Please review the following before submitting an Interview Request Form.

For immediate news deadlines, contact Linda Thomas, Communications Manager

For all others, your request should be made at least 3 working days prior to your deadline for the interview.


Interview Guidelines:

  • Residents are never compelled to participate in a research or media inquiry.
  • Residents who are affiliated with an active investigation may not be interviewed.
  • Residents who are in the program under secured identity may not be interviewed.
  • Residents may not be photographed or videotaped.
  • Staff are not allowed to disclose information about any current or past residents.
  • For interviews with a Survivor, you must provide your questions in advance and are not allowed to deviate from your scripted questions.
  • Interviews via phone, radio, or email may be more readily approved.
  • TSW reserves the right to cancel the interview at any time—including during the interview—if the interviewee displays any sign of distress or the interviewer violates our guidelines.

Interview Request

I would most like to speak with

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