Human Trafficking Resources 

The Institute for Survivor Care offers these resources to encourage you to use YOUR VOICE to advocate against sexual exploitation. This is a national problem, and it will take each of us doing our part in our own communities to raise awareness and solicit change. We invite you to use these resources as a way to take your next step in learning more about this issue.

Explore the drop-down menus below for human trafficking books, documentaries, and websites.

Human Trafficking Documentaries and Films
Sex Trafficking in America (55 mins) This Frontline documentary follows one police unit committed to rooting out sexual exploitation.
The Making of a Girl (5 mins) A first-person perspective of an American youth facing sexual exploitation
I am Jane Doe (available on Vimeo) The battle American mothers waged on behalf of their middle-school daughters, victims of sex-trafficking on 

ENGAGE IN PREVENTIONWhat can you do today? 


Most victims of exploitation don’t understand what’s happening to them. Help children understand the realities of sex trafficking so they can stay safe and look out for friends. Use the resources below to start the conversation.


Create a culture of safety and transparency by educating your staff and community about sexual abuse and trafficking. Put safeguards in place, teach sermons about abuse, and bring training to your congregation.


Have a question?

If you have any questions regarding our human trafficking resources, please contact Linda Blackiston at